Saturday, September 17, 2011

Here I go..................

I feel the need to be about that?  MY  goodness, here i go...........

Perhaps i have been real all along, so hard to preceive how i am to others..............i know i have been insecure all my life.....i don't feel that way now.............i do feel lonely tho.......i think i would like a partner......but then i think i have been single 3 years and in this time i have found myself without a man.  S o really i guess being with a man, never helped me to know who I am, so why do i think i need a man?  Might have something to do with the fact couples are everywhere...............

I wonder why people can't just accept each other.  Why we have to judge each other, and be cruel? I know love changes people and it changes things. I WISH WE ALL COULD LOVE ONE ANOTHER AND NOT SEE DIFFERENCES..... ah that is a good wish.................I really long for a better world. a healed world where there is peace and harmony with us all................

In my life i am learning that everything i have learned in this life is a lie......all of it.....JESUS said to become like a small child, now i know see everything as a child would no judgements, or illutions, or beliefs. but to just be.................

I like to stay by myself these days, it feels better this way.  N ot that i want to be by myself but it just is easier to deal with this life..................A BETTER WORLD IS COMING.................

I don't know how to express myself................i have so many ideas and thoughts going thru me everyday......maybe it is time to quiet the mind to go to my heart center and see what is really happenning......the things around me are not real, what is real?

I would like to just let everyone know how much i really love them.  i say it, but do they know HOW MUCH this comes from my very heart and soul with such a force I  am not able to express it at all.............whenever i use the word love it is not just a word i can even love a stranger, i have learned how to do this.......and it is because we are all one, coming from the same place and Creator................

I even love those who have hurt me.......i forgive them as well.....................from these dear souls i have learned to be a better person................i in fact care about them very much and always will............

i never hit the surface of what i want to say, it is still in my heart, but i will be back and see what else comes forth, these moments are not planned they just surface............if they were planned it would not be real....

more changes are coming and it is time to go within and find our SOURCE of hope, love, victory and overcomings, to help others more than ourselves, to myself i say this first and for really this was written for me to get my heart right..................

let us believe in ourselves.............and who we are, not going by what others tell us who or what we are but who our Creator has told us we are, and then live it, yes hephzibah go girl......and all of you tooo..

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