Monday, September 24, 2012

Notice any changes

I tell you I do notice changes in me and all around me....they are coming faster and one day to the next is all the same.....really all the same.....

Now I do expect this will change but for now on my path it has to be this way...I trust the way things are going in my life....I know there are higher things going on than my own plans....

It is wonderful to be able to let go of controling my life flows for me and I see miracles all the time.....I trust more now....I love more now....I grow more now...

you know when things happen in we can get upset and cry and rant....well I just do not do that anymore.....I know when anything happens anything good or bad there is always a reason for is not for me to do more than accept..whatever it is...

Another thing feelings are changing in me I can get a feeling of jealousy and now what I do is embrace it to me...I ask of myself why I feel this feeling..I really get into it and feel it....then I let it go and you know what it leaves.....great....I love this change in my life...

I am learning how to manifest what I want or do not want into my works....somethings happen today I found a free box of pears ...just the other day I asked the universe for free pears....that was a quick one...not all is so fast..

I am waiting on my soulmate far its been 4 years...but really it has been all my life I just never was ready for I am ready of I think I am...when I really am ready we WILL meet...I have something to look forward to...I am in eager anticipation...

I can not think of the future ....not very far anyway as I am going with the flow...but when things happen if it has a negitive effect on me then I know it is not for me to my life is going now where it is supposet to go...I am jussst waiting to see the unfolding like a movie...all our lives are movies really..

So it goes...I am content now...happy as I ever have been.....I have wonderful friends I am so greatful for all I be continued

Friday, August 24, 2012


I am really starting to see changes around me now ....people are loosing their homes friends of mine.....some are getting sick.....some are acting as if life owes them so much......not seeing much good in peoples lives right now more conflicts than anything.....

However for me I see much growth in my life , many day at a time...I find it important for me to stay on course and stick with my vision and not get involved in others I see it each has their own path to follow.....

Not saying I do not care about others of course I is just that I have to let people make their own choices, very hard when I can see what is going on....

There are so many choices in this life for me the spiritual path is my own goal........I do not feel part of this world never have..... and now I feel even more a stranger and I am finding out so many hidden hidden truths but I  have no one to tell because all I know do not want to hear.

Ah well it is choices.....

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Being real

Boy where is the day to take pen in hand and write......I miss those days.......I used to love to write it is email......and email is not personal......not like a real handwritten letter....

These days things are not very personal at all I find...things even a friendship is moving time to develop the visit got to get to the nap, or store, or yardwork etc.....boy I really miss a good in depth conversation with someone.....

Things are so shallow all around realness......

I guess people are afraid to be real....even with themselves....

I like writing a blog where I can be I say what is on my mind at the moment and it is real...

I know few if any will even read my blogs but that is not why I can be real....I am real beacause I am tired of being phoney....Everyday People I see I talk to see me alright but not really THEE me, nor do they hear see I am invisable.....oh I am alright.

They see what they THINK and hear is me but I am but a shell and voice....the real me is inside this shell invisable .....

I am so desiring to find people i can apper to in real truth...for now i know i must stay invisable as they are not ready to deal with my realness I would scare them......

Gee, I want to get out of this shell so much......

Here in my room alone I can do that, but you know I want to be visiable to others to be real and share and help people..

I know tho when it is the right time I will appear to others as I really am and oh I yearn for those days..I have hidden away almost 66 years....I am get real for real...

For now this is me as I am today but this is the shell you see here I am way more than this and I am on the search tofind  this person in hiding still invisable....

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Here we go another many times will this be said today and before today...?

I feel there will be good and bad....all depends on so many things......

See I believe we are each on our own path in this life and even on different dimension those new to this it will sound strange......

Bear with me......we are all it is important how we react to one another....our every thought has power and we bring to our lives all we think.......

So most important to guard our thoughts and walk more like our life depends on this which it does...

This is just me talking best to never follow anyone but what youyr heart tells you is for you.....I just want to share my heart right now it is for each one to find their beliefs i tell no one how to believe i only share myself and hope I can help someone....